Saturday, June 30, 2012

I believe in you

It is week 2 of the beautiful CR84FN colors.  I love anything that involves the color pink!  You have a few more days to play along with these colors.  We have changed the time frame that the challenge is open so make sure to pay attention to the closing date.  I hate when I don't look and I am late!  I have done that a few times.

I used the darling Fishtail Banner Die Namics and the Who's That Girl: Chooses Hope stamp set.  That cute twine is Pink Sorbet from the Twinery found in the MFT store.

  If you follow my blog regularly you will remember that my mom passed away a year ago in June.  Well, my father has a new girlfriend who he adores and she makes him very happy.  He informed me the other day that she just found out she has Breast Cancer, so I made this for her.  I tell ya, the older I get the more scared I become of all this Cancer that seems to be around everywhere.  Has it always been like this and i just did not realize it because I was younger?  I have so much Cancer that runs in both sides of my family, I am terrified!  My husband, son, and I went vegetarian after we found out my mom had Brain Cancer.  We have recently gone mostly vegan as well.  I do all I can do to keep myself healthy.  It is a scary world out there! 

I decided to play along with the MFT Guest Designer contest going on now.  They have some of the best sketches ever!

Make sure you stop by the rest of the design team's blogs:

***This is Suzanne and Lisa's last week with CR84FN.  I have had a wonderful time with you ladies the last year.  I will miss you both! ***

Thanks so much for stopping by,


  1. Heather, this is gorgeous. It's my absolute favorite sentiment. Beautifully done!!

  2. Heather, LOVE this card with the FAB banner and sentiment and LOVE who you made it for. I am so sorry for her and for your Dad. This just reinforces my belief that you have to make the most of every moment and not focus on the negatives that bring you down. I try to live every day as if it's my last and make it a point to let people know I appreciate them and their talents, like YOU and the BEAUTIFUL cards you make! And the thoughtful reasons behind them.

  3. Such a sweet card Heather and so thoughtful of you! I love the little banner and your choice of patterned papers! Surely your Dad's GF will treasure this :)

  4. This is a beautiful card Heather, I love the fish tail banners and the gorgeous rhinestone flourish. I'm sorry to hear this bad news for your family again, Im sure they will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

  5. beautiful, thoughtful card for such a sad
    reason, heather. hugs and prayers to your dad's girlfriend and to him.

  6. Such a beautiful card ... I am so sorry to hear about your Dad's girlfriend ... Please don't worry ... Worry causes more ill health ... just enjoy your life and your family ... hugs

  7. WOW Heather... I love the colors... so sweet... Gorgeous card!!! Hugs...xoxo

  8. Hi Heather im sorry to hear your bad news hunnie, its awful, Your card is so pretty love the colours, this is my type of card, its stunning xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  9. What a darling banner Heather and you KNOW I love the sweet polka dot panel!! Pretty card.

  10. I am sorry to hear your father's girl friend got diagnosed with breast cancer. Sorry!
    Your card looks beautiful! I love the swirl you added and that darling banner and your stitching.
    Hugs and smiles

  11. Oh So sorry to hear of your Dad's GF's news, I'm sending hugs and prayers that they caught it in time. And I know she will love your Gorgeous card my friend. 8-) Love the pretty banner and lovely dp's too! The touch of Bling is just perfect and I Love your take on the sketch! 8-)

    Big Hugs & Happy Sunday!

  12. Oh my word, Heather!....this is totally gorgeous!! I love everything about it. :)

  13. Heather - this card is just lovely, the banner is fabulous. I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad's girlfriend - I do hope that it's been caught early and that treatment works. Sending hugs to you all. xx

  14. Beautiful card and perfect to show your support. So sorry to hear that she has breast cancer. Sending prayers.

  15. Very pretty, Heather! Love the bling and banner. Of course, I remember about your Mom. I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad's girlfriend. I hope she is able to fight it successfully. You might have to explain the vegan/cancer concept to me. No meat because of growth hormones, perhaps? I haven't checked statistics, but I work in a medical center laboratory, and it appears to me that cancer is on the rise. I've been thinking that for quite a while.

  16. Ohh'' WOW!!! this is a beauty I love this card Heather, and my goodness a year since your Mums passing, time does go quickly, sorry to here this about your Dads girlfriend, yes the big C I think effects us all in so way or another chum, I'm sure she will treasure this card it is gorgeous and a lovely touch!! and try not to worry too..
    Lots Hugs
    Sarah xx

  17. Your card is so sweet. I am sure our Dad's girlfriend will be very touched.
    Cancer is an awful disease. I lost my father and my inlaws to cancer. Yes, we should try to be healthy and never forget to live each day to the fullest.

  18. I love me some banners, polka dots and bling! Love it!

  19. Such a lovely card, Heather! I'm so sorry to hear about your dad's GF.. will keep her in my prayers. Hugs. :)

  20. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom and now this, that damn 'C' is nothing but sadness. But this card isn't, it is gorgeous!


Thanks so much for your sweet comments and amazing support. I truly appreciate it!