Monday, July 30, 2012


I can't believe it has been a week since I posted last.  Time sure flies when you have a lot to do.  My FIL had a stroke last Friday so we had to go for a visit and I be dog gone if the heat didn't get to my car.  It was 112 and the belt and belt positioner ended up making some god awful noise and had to be replaced before we could go home.  This has been quite the week for me.  My father's girlfriend just had a double mastectomy today for Breast Cancer.  She was lucky enough that the cancer had not spread to the lymph nodes or muscle tissue.  Thank God!  That has been my was yours?

This week for Flourishes Timeless Tuesday, Allison is asking that we CASE a DT member from the Flourishes Gallery.  I chose a beautiful card from Cindy Lawrence found in the gallery HERE.  She also has a video tutorial HERE showing how she did the pretty border on her card.  If you look to the right on the gallery page you can see that you are able to search by stamp sets if you like.  If you noticed I was so busy trying to get the card size right and goofed the side that the border went on...OOPS!

I also wanted to take a minute to tell my sweet friend Mona goodbye.  This is her last post with Flourishes Timeless Tuesday.  I will miss her and her beautiful creations each week.  I hope you will still find a little crafty time to play sometimes.  :)

Stamps: Flourishes/Sweet Nature
Cardstock: Flourishes Classic White
Ribbon: Mauve Satin, Ivory Jute
Copic Collections: Lenten Rose, Green Grass
Bling: Want2Scrap: Classy Corners designed by Nina Brackett

Design Team:
 Patti Gilliam (July Guest Designer)

Thanks so much for stopping by,


  1. WOW! what a beautiful beautiful elegant card, its stunning hunnie, so pretty and the colouring is so subtle love it xxxxx

  2. So BEAUTIFUL Heather, awesome job!!~

  3. Heather, I am so sorry to hear you and your family are having such a hard week. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Please send your recovering father and father's girlfriend my best wishes.

    This is such a fantastic card! I love it, love it! Your bling and coloring with the stitches and papers are making me fall in love with your card like crazy! Did I mention I love it all? :)

    ~ Amanda :)

  4. Such a gorgeous card Heather! Love how you colored the beautiful flowers! The rhinestones add such a touch of elegance! I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs

  5. A GoRGeOuS card Heather! I love your color palette and the tweaks you made to the embellishments! Sorry to hear about your rotten, awful, no good, terrible week. My prayers for you and your family~

  6. What a gorgeous and elegant card Heather!!!
    Love those soft colours!

    ♥ Hugs, Inger

  7. Love your beautiful card! Very nice paper and colours.
    Hugs Ageeth

  8. That's one bad week ... I really hope that things get better for you all ... Your card is stunning ... I love the colours and the bling is perfect!

  9. So sorry to hear that you and your family have had such an awful week, Heather. I hope things get much better for all of you, soon.
    Your card is gorgeous! I love the stamps you used, coloured beautifully. Such pretty embellishing, too x

  10. wow wow wow Heather this card is so beautiful it!!! hugs...xoxo

  11. Great CAS card--all you elements come together so well. Love that corner bling it really sets off the focal image.
    Jan Marie

  12. GORGEOUS card, Heather!!! AWESOME job on the coloring and the border!!!! Beautiful layout!

  13. Yikes, that is a rough week! I hope things start looking up for everyone.

    Your card is just beautiful! I don't see any Oops...just loveliness!

  14. your flowers are so sweet on this card, heather:) what a week! hope this one is better for you:)

  15. You HAVE had a rough week. You'll be in my prayers Heather along with your family. On a happy note your card is BEAUTIFUL! Hang in there ;)

  16. Gorgeous, Heather! The rhinestone flourish border frames the flowers perfectly!

    So sorry to hear about your FIL and your week in general.. hugs!

  17. So beautiful, Heather!! Fabulous job!

  18. Holy cow, girl....and I thought MY week was trying. Hope everyone gets well very quickly, and that your car is back up and running soon. Your card is beautiful, as is the card you cased of Cindy's! Thanks for sharing. It's been fun working with you this month. Thanks for having me!

  19. Geesh it has been quite a week for you.... Hopefully your FIL and his girlfriend will feel better soon...

    My week has been fabulous. Filled with lovely days in the garden, spending time with family and friends. And now back to the normal life and back to work...

    Oops off track; your card is stunning. The ranunculus is available here in Holland in this color. You really nailed the color; wow!

    Take care; hugs!

  20. Beautiful card Heather, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Hugs...Carole

  21. Goodness Miss Heather! You sure have had a heck of a Week Thats a lot to deal with! Sending big hugs to you and your family and prayers for your FIL and Dad's GF for speedy recoveries! Your Card is Just GOR -JUSS!! Wow! Love the Soft pretty dp's you chose and Fabulously colored Ranunculus! The bling and Lacy border is Fabulous too! Thanks for sharing Miss Cindy's tutorial too! I a going to have to give that a whirl! 8-)


  22. Oh dear you've had a rough week. I hope your FIL and your father's girlfriend both recover quickly....and I hope next week is much happier for you.

    Your card is STUNNING! I love all the bling and the soft pinks. Great decorative border, too.

  23. OMGosh, Heather, I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL and your father's girlfriend, also. What a time you and your family have had lately! But, your card is beautiful! And, I like the punch on the right side. I need to watch that border punch video again. I never actually tried it, but it's so pretty that I should. Big hugs!!

  24. Oh my! So sorry to hear about your FIL. I'll pray that things improve well for him! And, will also keep your father's gf in prayer. Your card is so lovely with beautiful floral image, dp, border, and fabulous gems! Take care, hugs!

  25. Oh Heather, what a week! I 'm sorry to hear about your FIL and I hope he is on his way to recovery?!?! I guess your dad's friend was happy to hear that the cancer did not spread...God is good!

    I hope you get to relax this weekend from all this action??? BIG HUGS, ~S~

  26. I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL and your father's girl friend. I pray they are okay.

    Your card is simply gorgeous. Beautifully done. I love the mix of patterns.


Thanks so much for your sweet comments and amazing support. I truly appreciate it!