Saturday, July 6, 2013

Once Upon A Sketch

Hello again!  I have something different to share with you.  I am sure you don't know, but I actually started my paper crafting journey in scrapbooking.  I have a couple scrapbooks in my craft room that I worked on before I started my blog.  My son has never been one to like his picture taken so that didn't leave me with much to use on my pages.  Fast forward several years later and I decided to take a bunch of old photos and start back on some layouts.

It is hard for me not to look at this and see the many things I would do different if I had it to do all over again.  For one, I would have cut the top of the photo off that is blank, the journaling would have been placed along the side of the photo, and I wouldn't have used that darn stencil on the top left of the page that made a mess and bled underneath.  Another thing I learned, it is super hard to photograph a layout that is warped from mists or water of any sort.  I ended up matting this to another 12x12 cardstock piece stitched around the edges to give it more stability.

This photo is of my grandmother when she was 15.  I think it is safe to say that EVERYONE looked so beautiful in those old photos.  My grandmother's name was Faye, as you see on the page and was the most kind, giving and unselfish person I have ever met to this day.  She passes away when my son was 8 months old, he is now 13.


I have seen many layouts using the sketches from Once Upon a Sketch over the last year or so, all over the internet and Pinterest.  That was the first place I looked after I had some professional prints made of my photos.  Speaking of photos, Archiver's has a Memory Lab that they just installed in my local store.  They can print copies from old photos, discs and so on.

Thanks so much for stopping by,


  1. WOW!!!!!!! You're FAST HEATHER!!!! LOL I JUST POSTED!!!!:) THANKS for the encouragement! I NEED IT! AND ONLY HOPE I can KEEP UP on the Camp! :)

    Your Grandmother IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!:) AND your layout is BEAUTIFUL TOO!!!!!!!:) I'M SURE she'd LOVE THIS!!!!!!;)

  2. Well I think this is beautiful! I love the soft multi tones and your lovely flowers ... and yes everyone did seem glamourous in that era ... I adored the 40's fashions

  3. I am a sucker for old photos too, there is something special about them that just speaks to me. Wonderful soft colours and such pretty blooms. Thank you so much for sharing this with us at OUAS!

  4. omgosh, heather,your page is gorgeous! LOVE your bangs, too!

  5. Nope, I wouldn't change a's gorgeous Heather! I too started scrapbooking (before making cards). I just haven't had the time recently to get much of it done (I'm working on a scrapbook of my granddaughter Olivia)! Anyway, thanks for sharing and the inspiration...maybe today I'll get some time to get at least 1 page done! :)

  6. Beautiful!!!Love your photo!AWESOME!!!

  7. Gorgeous layout, Heather! Love all the sweet details and the lovely photo of your grandmother!

  8. Gorgeous layout! Love all the soft pretty colors and flowers! The photo of your Grandmother is very beautiful!

  9. I think the BG and your flowers make this page really Special Heather! So PRETTY!

  10. Beautiful Heather! I love the way you used the colors and the pretty doilies, lace and torn papers are perfect to go with the wonderful old picture of your grandmother! The flowers look so pretty also. I think we always look at things and see what we might have changed and that is an ongoing thing, but really we should just look at it as that is what we were inspired to do for that day :)

  11. Really beautiful page Heather!! Love the softness you have created with the colours, misting and pretty elements, which highlight your gorgeous vintage photo! Thanks so much for sharing with us at OUAS!

  12. A gorgeous LO Heather! Beautiful colours and details and a lovely photo of your grandmother. hugs, Marlies

  13. Very pretty layout Heather! Love the soft background and beautiful flowers! Such a pretty photo! Thanks for joining along with OUAS :)

  14. Heather, I think your page is absolutely beautiful and has your heart all over it! I love old photos too! Thank you for sharing this sweet tribute to your grandmother with all of us! :)

  15. Beautiful Page! The colors are perfect with the photo.

  16. This is just so beautiful, Heather! I really don't see any of the flaws you mentioned, but I know we are our own worst critics. Your grandmother was, indeed, a beautiful woman. It does seem to me that all women looked pretty in these old photos. It may have something to do with their grooming and perhaps the gentleness of expression. Also, black and white photos are more forgiving when it comes to complexion tones and such. Anyway, fabulous page, and I'll bet you'll wind up with an amazing scrapbook! ps: I, too, started out with scrapbooking.

  17. Such a beautiful picture of your grandmother and a great design Heather!!

  18. Hi Heather! Thanks for popping in to my page :) You've done a beautiful job with the OUAS sketch this month. Thanks for joining us!

  19. Stunning page and I LOVE that old photo of your grandmother! Dutch greetings,Brenda

  20. So lovely..soft, delicate, and just beautiful. So glad you joined us at OUAS!!!

  21. Your layout is beautiful and so is your grandma! I love all of the pretty flowers and paper layers!


  22. You are way too hard on yourself! I think all your elements work really well together. It's lovely. Thanks for sharing with us at OUAS!


Thanks so much for your sweet comments and amazing support. I truly appreciate it!