Sunday, December 4, 2011

Bring Back Beautiful / Just For You

It is that time again.  Time for Flourishes Bring Back Beautiful.  This month is :

The Beauty of Winter. This month the challenge is to create a winter/holiday creation. Link up your Bringing Back Beautiful Challenge creations HERE to enter. If you upload to SCS, please use the keyword BBB14. You have until December 31th to enter! As we unveil our challenge for next month, we’ll share our True Beauties – those card makers who wowed us with this challenge! Winners will be featured on the Flourishes Blog and will receive a True Beauty blog button to display proudly on their blog!

Guess what?  I have something to share with you.  I made my son this cute little Tea Bag Holder just for a little something.  He loves to have tea and coffee with me so I thought this would be a special little handmade treat.
***you can click on the pictures to make them bigger if you need.  When I tried to make them bigger they were HUGE.  They are not cropped so I think that is why.

I used the adorable Sweets Of The Season set and colored the candy canes.  I used the Postage Stamp Dies (they are on sale in the Flourishes store).  I also used Standard Circles sm&lg.  The little tag die is PTI and the ribbon is from May Arts.  Beate was kind enough to send me some to try.  The twine is Martha Stewart.  Cardstock is PTI/ Rustic White, Kraft, and Poppy.

I used a couple of neglected supplies in my stash for this.  See the mini grommets?  Had to pull out my Cop A Dile for those.

Here are a few photos of what my son was doing while I was making cards.  He cracks me up with his Legos.  He alters them and orders guns for them online.  He asked if he could take pictures of them in my light tent.  So he took all of these.  I showed him how to take them close, so we don't have to crop them.  I don't think he even knows I put them on my blog yet.  Hehe.

He puts these guns together out of different pieces.  He is very creative.  I love that about him.  I can definitely say that the creativity in my family comes from my mom's father's side of the family.  My grandfather was a craftsman.  He made furniture for a living.  Wonderfully solid wood pieces.  My mom's youngest sister did cross stitch.  My mom's middle sister did everything.  She was one handy lady!  My mom did a good bit too. She sewed all mine and my doll clothes when I was little.  She did cross stitching and crochet.  Later in her life she was into beading.  She made the most beautiful book thongs.  I will share them one day.  They deserve a post all to them selves.  Unfortunately all of them have passed away.  It breaks my heart to think of that.  My MIL pretty much did everything as well.  She is an amazing quilter!  I love getting them, she gives them to me for my birthday and holidays.  Sometimes when we visit I try and steal some.  With her permission of course. Ha!

Look how cute he poses them.  You should see his room.  He uses the top from his Thomas The Train table and builds wars and stuff like that on it.  It scoots right under his bed at night.  Works perfectly.  It even has water and grass designed on the board.

Make sure to stop by the rest of the design team.  Beate has come back to join us on the BBB challenge team.  Don't worry, she didn't leave Timeless Tuesday.  She is doing both

Thanks so much for stopping by,



  1. What a special project you have created Heather! Love that he has tea with you! Your holder is really cute and will thrill him! Love the lego shot! Enjoy your tea time!

  2. OMGosh Miss Heather this is the Sweetest! I know your Son will just love it! And He's so creative with his lego's too!8-)


  3. A really sweet creation Heather ... my son used to love Lego too ... and my nephews! What fascinated me was watching my sons tiny hands quickly assembling the pieces ... and the imagination ... ah! Those were the days!

  4. Can I tell you how much I love that you took pictures of your son's lego creations! They are awesome and creative!!! And the fact you share tea together is just so special Heather! This gift for him is amazing, both in appearance and in spirit!! Thanks for sharing!
    By the way, would love to see those book thongs made by your mom :)

  5. legos are SO popular right now, but, i don't think i've seen projects as awesome as his! and his tea bag holder is a gift idea:) you'll have to share some pics of the quilts sometime!

  6. Heather, your tea bag holder looks gorgeous! I love the papers you chose and your coloring looks great.
    Your son's legos made me smile. I miss the times when my boys played with those.
    Hugs and smiles

  7. Such a CUTE project!! LOVE it! LOVED seeing your son's imagination at work and reading about the creativity in your family!

  8. Beautiful! That's one of my favorite Flourishes images! Love the Tea bag card...such a wonderful little gift!

  9. Such a lovely post.. Sounds like you son doesn't have a chance of not being creative with such a creative family.. I love that!! Those Legos made me smile. They are so cute. What a lovely project. Sooo clever!!

    Hugs, Linda

  10. This is GORGEOUS Heather!! Your coloring is just STUNNING!!!

  11. Absolutely gorgeous card, Heather! And your son's creations are so cute... my son loves his Legos, too... and what is it about boys and guns? My son's all about the weapons and the battles, too - without the aid of being exposed to that type of video, movie, etc. Sheesh! :)

  12. Stunning card, Heather! Love your yummy candy canes! Love your son's creativity with Legos!

  13. Such a sweet tea bag holder Heather! Love this idea, your coloring and sponging! And your son is a very creative boy! :)


  14. What a fabulous project Heather! LOVE the coloring on those candy canes!

    How fabulous are those legos?! Very creative!

  15. Amazing Heather!! I love your ideas and inspirations and I loved reading about you and your family :) I am so sorry to hear about your family passing away, that is so, so hard on us all. But you and your son certainly were blessed with the creativity gene :)

  16. Beautiful project, Heather! Very creative design for the tea bag holder! Your son is obviously very creative, too! Fun photos!

  17. Your post about Legos ( we call it Lego here in Holland) brought back sweet memories of mthe days when my sons were little. Now the house is empty....I really enjoyed watching them while they build the most amazing things.

    And how sweet of you to create a little personalized gift wrapping for some tea for two.... Love the candy canes!

  18. Fab tea bag holder and I love the photos of the Lego tiger soldiers. Looks like your son got your creativity! Lucky boy!!!


Thanks so much for your sweet comments and amazing support. I truly appreciate it!