Sunday, January 27, 2013


Hello.  I hope you are enjoying your weekend.  I have not been getting into my craft room as often because I joined a gym to try and lose the weight that I packed on from taking Prednisone several times a year over the past few years.  I am pretty much a vegan, with the exception that I eat eggs, so my eating habits are very good.  I have had back problems for several years and it got a lot worse right before Christmas.  The steroids, in the past, have done a good job of easing the pain but I recently started going back to the Chiropractor and that has helped a bunch.  I am hoping that if I can stay away from the steroids, then I will be able to lose the weight pretty quick.  For my height of 5'9", I am not overweight, but not where I want to be either.  Hopefully this will do the trick.  Wish me luck!

I love that Double Scalloped border die, it is my all time favorite.  I used the Vintage Flourish instead of using leaves.

I decided to play along with the MFTWSC sketch this week.  I have not had a chance to participate the last couple weeks and have missed it.

Supplies Used:

Thanks so much for stopping by,


Sandy said...

Your card is beautiful. Love those colors together. I hope you feel better and are able to stay off the steroids. But at least they give you relief when you need it.

Lisa Elton said...

What a fun collection of colors and papers Heather, very sweet card. I hope your visits to the gym do the trick for you, best of luck!

Jackie Pedro said...

This is beautiful! Good luck with the weight loss. It's important to feel good!

Meredith MacRitchie said...

Good luck! I started on my own health/fitness and weight loss journey last year, and while it's slow going (I like my food, I can't lie), it's really changed my life!

I wish you well :)

Ros Crawford said...

Beautiful card ... just perfect!

farmhouse-story said...

so pretty, heather:) good for you joining a gym--i'm sure you'll feel better with an exercise routine!

Dawn Easton said...

Heather, this is beautiful!!! Love those papers and all your dies! Fantastic!

Good luck at the gym! I am sure it's toning not weighloss that you need ;) Especially if you eat healthy! WTG! My sister takes that steroid too for some nose issues and it's packed on the weight for her. Such a negative side effect for sure!

Deborah Frings said...

This is lovely - the pastel colours are so springlike (which is great as I'm looking at a wall of fog) and that sentiment is so inspirational.

Good luck with the gym - I'm finding shovelling snow is very aerobic :)

Tricia said...

Good luck with the weight loss, Heather! I'm glad the chiro has been helping with the back pain. I don't know what I would do without mine!! Very pretty card - I love all the dies you use!!!


Wordbird said...

Love this quote, Heather. And you've incorporated it into a lovely card! ;D

Rizzi said...

beautiful card sorry your having pain in your back.....
steroids do help one way....but make you gain weight another's not easy.....i wish you luck in the gym, and hope you feel much better...

Anonymous said...

What a fun card!! I really love that background paper! Good luck on the weight loss! And back problems are not fun, I hope the steroids help sweetie!

Anonymous said...

beautiful card...i also love that double scallop edge...gotta get me one :)
BEAR hugs

Stella said...

Your card is gorgeous but the story of your post kept me thinking. I am in the middle of weight loss. I am slowly getting there where I want to be. I am not obesed but still not where I want to be:) Hang in there; you already set your goal! I do walk a lot and ride on my bicycle but the gym is not my favorite place:)

Unknown said...

Your card looks beautiful. And I just love the sentiment.

Good for you getting to the gym. Not always the easiest thing to get exercise worked into a busy schedule.


Cards By Betty said...

Love the cards and I am wishing you well with your weight loss and hope you are feeling much better.

Shelley said...

Beautiful card, Heather. I hope you can find your groove working out and getting back to where you want to be. I'm sure your back makes it much more difficult, but at the same time, the stronger you get in your core, the better your back should feel, right? I am far from the person to give advice on the subject but I can be a cheerleader!

Leslie Miller said...

Ohhhhhh, so pretty! Absolutely sweet in every way -- colors, papers, design, every single detail. You should drop the weight okay once you're off the Prednisone. That stuff is good in a pinch, but also good to avoid if you possibly can. I'm glad to hear you're over the worst of it now.

Unknown said...

Beautiful, Heather! Good luck and I wish you luck in your weight loss journey and hope you can stay well!

Gerdine said...

Good luck! And your card is lovely!

Mona Pendleton said...

Such a pretty card Heather! Love the beautiful blossom and framed sentiment! Thanks for joining along with MFT :)

PapierGirl said...

So soft and pretty - it almost makes you think Spring is right around the corner! I love the scalloped border! :) Good luck with your weight loss - I too need to lose a few pounds before my daughters wedding in June!!

Pam Young said...

Love the card!! I love that die too. How did I miss that? Hope you feel better. Steroids are a mixed blessing. They not only pack on the weight, but mess with your psyche and trash out your bones!!

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

Beautiful card! No wonder it is featured on the MFT blog!
God luck with your exercising!!!


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