Sunday, February 10, 2013

Bear Hugs and a funny story

Hello!  I hope you are enjoying your weekend.  I had some time late yesterday afternoon to make a card using my new MFT goodies.  I colored this darling Pure Innocence, Bear Hugs cutie.  When I went to Archivers Friday night, they had the new Theresa Collins papers, so I picked up a couple of them.  Love the colors in this pack!

I have taken a photo from the side so you can see how I popped her up off the oval using some pop dots.  So, on to the funny story...I was making this new Hybrid Heirloom Rose and I was putting it together using my hot glue gun, I rolled the center and was holding it in place while it dried when I noticed that my hair was hanging in the glue!  So the end of my hair had dried hot glue!  I was so busy trying to get the glue out of my hair that the center of the flower didn't look as good as I wanted so I ripped it off and tried again.  Then, I burned my finger!  Yes, I know, I wasn't having luck with that rolled flower at all.  I set down the hot glue gun and didn't notice that my good paintbrush was sitting under the glue gun and it dripped glue all over it.  It was stuck to my craft mat!  Ugh!  I got most of the glue off and it did come out of my hair.  Needless to say, I chucked that rolled center and went with a center from another flower die set using my Zip Dry glue instead of my hot glue gun.  SOLD!

I always add a close up photo of my image.  It is smaller in size because if I make it as big as the other photos, it looks awkward.  You can always click on it to make it bigger and see more detail.

I used the MFTWSC sketch and turned it vertically which worked better for my little girl.
Supplies Used:

Thanks so much for stopping by,


Sasha said...

This image is soooo sweet Heather, and I love the beautiful vibrant colours mixed with the taupes, beiges and creams xx

Stacy Morgan said...

Hee hee So are you saying your craft room is dangerous and I should come prepared? Ha! This is adorable and I do like the flower the way it turned out. Very sweet card.

Wendy ten Hove said...

What a story, Heather! Sometimes things can go wrong when you are so busy creating. I know the problem, with me it usually involves things falling on the floor, since my desk isn't that big... Good thing most things were repaired again and we don't see anything of that in your card! That's a beauty!!! And the flower is gorgeous!!
Hugs, Wendy

Tricia said...

LOL! It sounds like you had a great day! ;) I'm glad you persevered, though, because your card is beautiful!


Rizzi said...


Ros Crawford said...

What a beautiful card this is ... I love your colour choices and the flower is stunning!! So sorry about the hot glue though ... it's great when it works but yep ... it can be a problem ...

Moi said...

Love the card. Especially love your choice of colors. Sorry to hear about you tangling with the hot glue. That stuff can be dangerous, at least you survived. Thanks for sharing your talent.

Jackie Pedro said...


Diane said...

Adorable card, and such pretty papers...had to laugh at the glue seems I end up gluing everything to my fingers, but haven't used my hot glue gun in so long, I don;t even know where it is...have a nice day..your card is very those little Pure Innocense images!!

Lisa Elton said...

What a simply adorable card Heather! Love the polka dots behind this CUTE image. Oh gosh I used to burn myself with the silly glue gun ALL the time when I owned my florist. My mom would say isn't their a safer way to make a wreath LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

SHUT UP!! This is amazing, I love what PI you used, and that paper! This rocks GF!

Silke Ledlow said...

Totally cute card Heather! Had to giggle about the hot glue gun...guess what...I don't trust myself with I have never used one...I know I would end up doing something goofy too...LOL! Hugs ~S~

Denise Marzec said...

Your coloring is beautiful!!

Lynnda said...

ahhh this is so cute and so sweet... my fave card of yours Heather... love it... hugs...xoxo

farmhouse-story said...

oh, my, goodness, -i'm glad you didn't have to cut any of your pretty hair! and the coloring on the sweet girl and her teddy is awesome, heather!

Davi said...

So beautiful with all the pretty dps and sweet little one. The flower is such a pretty color.

Mary Ann said...

So very pretty...

Vickie Z said...

Yikes...but, this card was worth it!! Love those colors and this sweet girl!! The "new" center for that flower looks great!!

PapierGirl said...

Super sweet Heather and I love the colors that you used! I love your story....I bet now you can look back and laugh! :)

Unknown said...

Just darling, Heather! Had to laugh about your hot glue story (not laughing at you but at the fact that I've had something similar happen to me). Your flower is just stunning (glad it worked out after all)!

Leslie Miller said...

Gosh, I sure hate to laugh at your expense, but that's a real comedy of errors! Sure turned out great in the end, though. Your flower is so amazingly beautiful, especially in that gorgeous color. Love how you used the kraft color for the leaves, too. Cute all over!

Anonymous said...

What an adorable image Heather! LOVE the colors in the lucky girl , living by such a nice store!!! LOve your card :-)

Cindi said...

Gorgeous card! I love the papers. Thanks for reminding me why I don't want to ever touch a glue gun lol. That would definitely be me.

Sue Lelli said...

This is just DARLING, Heather! LOVE the papers and your flower turned out so LOVELY!

Linda Carson said...

Bless your heart! I admit I got a kick out of your mess...sounds like something I'd do! The card turned out picture perfect though! It looks fabulous!

Mona Pendleton said...

Awe, so sweet! Love the beautiful layered blossom and sweet image! Thanks for joining along with MFT :)

Maria said...

Just adorable! Love how you popped her up off the oval die for dimension! She is just darling holding her little bear...too sweet!


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