Sunday, July 23, 2017

Garden Party

Hello, and Happy Sunday!  It's few and far between that I blog.  I recently bought some PTI stamps and have been playing around, stamping various flower color combinations.  One of my new favorites is PTI's Garden Party by Dawn McVey.  You can always count on Dawn for beautiful stamp sets.  I used my new i Phone 7 Plus to take my photos, so we will see how well these look on my blog.  I didn't do any kind of touch ups or filters, these are just as they were taken.  Tell me what you think.

For my first card I played along with a sketch from Fusion Card Challenge.  I followed the sketch and somewhat used the color palette provided.

My last cad wasn't using any sketch, just something that I put together.

Thanks so much for stopping by,


Tricia said...

I always love to see your cards, Heather! your pictures are really nice. I've been struggling with mine since I switched computers, but yours look really good!

Maria said...

Such a treat to see your cards, Heather! Your photos look great with your phone! Love the beautiful cards with pretty flowers! Hope you're having a wonderful summer!

cm said...

A duo of dazzling delights! Your floral arrangements on both are stunning and the stages you've set them on are perfect! As for your photos: WOW! Wish my phone would work as well (I think the 'photographer' needs some help *grin*). So thrilled you shared your creativity in the FUSION gallery!


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